Part Number: 2100437  -  Categories: Telehandler


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Part Number: 2100437

Grade: Replacement

Machine Brands: Merlo

Part Details

Merlo Rod End Steering Axle Part no. 21004376 Weight(kg): 2,450 kg Type of ball joint: Axial tie-rod end Thread type TA1: M30 Pitch (metric) Pm1 (mm): 1,5 Pitch (imperial) Pi1: 0 Right-handed or left-handed thread 1: Righthand thread Length of thread L2 (mm): 38 Thread type TA2: M28 Pitch (metric) Pm2 (mm): 1,5 Pitch (imperial) Pi2: 0 Right-handed or left-handed thread 2: Righthand thread

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