Delivery and Delivery Charges
BuyAnyPart is the destination for buying and selling parts on the internet.
However, it isn't always easy to source and fulfill every part. Delivery can take upto 2 weeks.
Delivery Charges
Whether it is a plant machinery, agricultural equipment, truck, heavy or light goods vehicle (HGV/LGV), or just any spare auto parts ordered, we keep our delivery services simple.
UK Mainland orders
Buy spare parts from us and ALL DELIVERIES WITHIN the UK Mainland are delivered free!
Highlands, Islands and Northern Ireland of the UK and International orders.
Any spare parts ordered and delivered outside UK Mainland may have an additional fee, VAT exclusive. BuyAnyPart reserves the right to levy a higher fee if our standard International charge does not cover the full cost of transportation. Please feel free to enquire on our contact page for delivery quote and any information. Additional security checks will be carried out on all overseas orders.