Dishwasher Trouble Shooting Guide

If your dishwasher won’t start then a few quick and easy checks could get you up and running. Saving you time and money. Dishwasher

Is the dishwasher turned on?

Sounds obvious but always worth a check! Is it plugged into the socket and the socket turned on.

Try plugging in another device to the socket, such as a vacuum cleaner. If that also doesn’t work then it the problem is with your mains supply to the socket, could be a fuse or power cut. Perhaps time to call an electrician!

If it the other appliance does work then the problem isn’t with your socket, continue reading.

Is the dishwasher door fully closed?

Open and close the door. Ensure it is fully closed and try turning it on again.

Manual reset

If the above checks have not resolved the problem then try a manual reset. It is best to check the user manual for your particular make and model of dishwasher, however it is often done by pressing and holding down either the “on/off” button or the “programme” button.

Still won’t turn on

If your dishwasher still won’t turn on then consult the user guide for further help or call a professional dishwasher repair technician.

If you know you need a certain spare part to get you up and running then you can check out our dishwasher spare parts on our online store.

Dishwasher Spare Parts

HELP! If you have instructional guides or videos on how to repair or maintain a piece of equipment, and want to share it to help others out, then get in contact. Whether it's a combine harvester, blender or space shuttle send it over as we would love to have your help.

If we don't have the guide, spare part or tool for the repair you are conducting then please get in contact and we will do our best to find what you need.